Wednesday, 7 February 2007

The seventh of February

Learn from others rather than criticise them. They are giving you free instruction!*

Indeed, you can learn a lot from other people's mistakes, by observing for yourself what happens, and by listening to the advice of people who have made or observed those mistakes. You don't have to make every mistake for yourself.

Criticism is another way to learn. If you try something new (or even something old), you can ask for polite criticism from someone more experienced, or someone who might see things in a different way from you. Don't be afraid to return the favour if they ask you to, or even if you know them well, and can criticize in a way you know they'll find helpful. And don't forget that praise of good things can teach (and encourage) them, too, not just criticism of things that can be improved.


* Reproduced by permission of the copyright-holder BK Publications, London,

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