Friday, 12 January 2007

The twelfth of January

So I've heard back from the publishers again. It sounds promising. They're happy to give limited permission, if I acknowledge the permission for each saying. However, they want to review the situation after a month.

Simplicity of character is the most natural result of profound thought*

I'm trying to figure out what "simplicity of character" is. Perhaps I just haven't been thinking profoundly enough. In my experience, serious, deliberate thought results either in frustration or in a better understanding of what you were thinking about, and perhaps the discovery of something new, that you've never realized before. To me, those seem to be the most obvious possible results of thought. I don't know if either of them could be called "simplicity of character", though.

Perhaps it's talking about the long-term results of regular profound thought. I agree that could affect your personality. I'm still struggling with "simplicity of character", though. Maybe it's meant to mean predictability? Probably not. Honesty? Maybe, but it's a stretch, and "simplicity of character" is a fairly obfuscated way of saying it, too. Any other ideas?


* Reproduced by permission of the copyright-holder BK Publications, London,

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